Attachments - pour une correction dentaire boostée!
Les Attachments sont de petits éléments en composite utilisés pour soutenir le traitement par aligneurs.
What are attachments?
Attachments are small tooth-coloured composite elements that are fixed to the teeth in complex malocclusions so that the Aligner can better exert pressure on the teeth. These composite “buttons” make teeth movement faster and more efficient and increase the necessary pressure on the teeth. This may be necessary for certain cases of misaligned teeth, for example rotations or teeth that are too short.
What is dental composite?
Dental composite is a modern material for dental fillings. It is also used for fixing crowns, root posts and inlays.
Lay people often confuse composite fillings with ceramic fillings. Dental composite is made of synthetic resins which, depending on the area of application, are mixed with liquid particles of glass, resin, quartz or ceramic. Composite hardens quickly under blue light.
After the Aligner treatment, the attachments can easily be removed by your dentist without leaving any trace or damaging your tooth enamel in any way.
What are attachments made of?
Attachments are made of tooth-coloured composite (synthetic material). The composite is made of biocompatible resins (plastic matrix) as well as quartz and glass (filler). So-called silanes bind the matrix firmly to the fillers. Attachments are prefabricated by machine with the highest precision.
Do I need attachments?
Attachments are not necessary for every Aligner treatment. When discussing your treatment plan, our expert dentists will be happy to tell you whether attachments are necessary for your treatment to ensure optimal force transmission. Attachments are particularly necessary in the following cases:
- strongly twisted/crooked teeth
- tilted tooth crown
- to move teeth upwards or downwards (into the bone)
Attachments are used especially for the upper lateral incisors or small molars, as rotation is more difficult with these teeth.
Can I do without attachments?
If the attachments are omitted on request, the treatment will take longer because the same tooth movement requires several Aligners. Some tooth movements are not possible at all without attachments. We suggest always taking the dentist’s advice regarding the use of attachments.
When discussing your treatment plan, your dentist will explain to you whether you need attachments and why.
How many attachments do I need?
The number of attachments needed greatly depends on your treatment plan. Depending on the malocclusion,
- each tooth on the upper jaw may need a little extra help,
- only your canines or anterior teeth may need attachments,
- or you don’t need any attachments at all.
In some cases, the composite elements have to be attached later on, as they might be necessary from a specific Aligner onwards to perform a later tooth movement. The number of attachments needed greatly depends on your malocclusion and your treatment plan.
How are attachments attached?
To ensure that the attachments sit firmly on the teeth, they are bonded to the tooth surface with dental composite. It is crucial that the contact surface is properly dry.
After applying the composite, it is hardened with a dental curing light. The position and fit of the attachments is checked regularly during the Aligner treatment.
Can attachments come loose?
If some saliva gets between the tooth and the composite, in rare cases the attachment may fall off. If this happens, make sure to inform your dentist so that they can fit a new one and the treatment can continue as planned.
Can people tell you’re wearing attachments?
The colour of the attachments is neutral and perfectly blends in with your teeth. So you’ll only be able to tell if you look very closely. They are by no means comparable to the brackets of fixed braces. You will not have to worry at all about these composite elements being visible.
Do attachments damage the tooth?
Applying and removing attachments does not damage the tooth surface or the enamel in any way. As soon as the attachments are no longer needed, they can be painlessly removed by your bestsmile dentist without leaving any trace. You will not see or feel anything on the tooth surface after they have been removed.
Is there anything in particular to keep in mind with attachments?
Generally speaking, no. The attachments and Aligners will do the work for you. However, you should maintain good oral hygiene and dental care, including flossing. Strongly coloured foods can stain both the attachments and the Aligners.
To prevent this from happening, you should eat strongly pigmented foods in moderation and always clean your teeth and Aligners thoroughly. If you notice that the attachments are not firmly attached to the tooth surface or that they have come off, you should consult your bestsmile dentist. We are, of course, also happy to answer any other treatment-related question you may have.
How much do attachments cost?
In Switzerland, attachments cost CHF 400 per jaw. The number of attachments required depends on the type of malposition.